Four Things To Look For In A Roadside Assistance Plan

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Towing More Responsibly

I have always been someone who loves to get outside, but after I started having trouble with my car, I was nervous about getting stuck places. I was able to find the phone number of a great towing company who could help, and they came out time and time again to give me a hand. It was really comforting to know that they always had my back, and before I knew it, things had reached the point where I needed to get a new car. Check out this website for information about towing more responsibly each and every single day.


Four Things To Look For In A Roadside Assistance Plan

18 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Roadside assistance can help to get you back on the road when your car isn't working properly, but these plans also come with a host of other features. Here are some things to look for to give you access to more convenient services.

Automobile Repair Discounts

Some roadside assistance plans partner with local mechanics and authorized repair shops to perform needed repairs. After all, your car emergency doesn't simply end after you are towed. You still need to worry about getting the car repairs. You may be able to find plans that offer discounts on replacement tires, replacement batteries, and other repair services. Be sure you know which mechanics in your area work with your roadside assistance plan so you don't end up paying full price.

Gas And Fluid Services

Should you run out of gas or need your fluids topped off while you are on the road, some roadside assistance plans will provide the service you need for free or at a discounted price. In some cases, the discount options may also extend to having your oil changed at an authorized repair shop. This means you can get your car ready for a road trip and also rest easy knowing you'll have the help you need should a roadside emergency arise.

Lockout Services

Should you get locked out of your car, or even worse, should your car key break off in the ignition, you'll need the help of a locksmith. Some roadside assistance plans include lockout services and re-keying services, so you can get into your car when you need to. The locksmith can come out to your car and provide you with a new key or help you to unlock your doors so you can retrieve the keys you left inside.

Rental Car Discounts

Some roadside assistance memberships come with other perks from partnering businesses. These perks can be used even if you don't have a roadside emergency, depending on the company. Some offer rental car discounts, which can be used if your car is not in driving condition after your roadside emergency. This means you can still have access to a car while it is being repaired. You may also be able to enjoy the same discount on rental cars while you are traveling, giving you an added benefit.

Before you invest in a roadside emergency plan, check with your auto dealership and your car insurance carrier. In some cases, you may already have coverage you didn't realize you had.Otherwise, contact a service, like Engel's Auto Service & Towing, for help.